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Operating experience of the J-PARC linac


長谷川 和男; 浅野 博之; 千代 悦司; 堀 利彦; 伊藤 崇  ; 小林 鉄也; 近藤 恭弘   ; 滑川 裕矢; 小栗 英知  ; 大越 清紀 ; 鈴木 浩幸; 上野 彰  ; 山崎 正義; 穴見 昌三*; Fang, Z.*; 福井 佑治*; 池上 清*; 川村 真人*; 内藤 富士雄*; 南茂 今朝雄*; 田中 宏和*; 山口 誠哉*

Hasegawa, Kazuo; Asano, Hiroyuki; Chishiro, Etsuji; Hori, Toshihiko; Ito, Takashi; Kobayashi, Tetsuya; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Namekawa, Yuya; Oguri, Hidetomo; Okoshi, Kiyonori; Suzuki, Hiroyuki; Ueno, Akira; Yamazaki, Masayoshi; Anami, Shozo*; Fang, Z.*; Fukui, Yuji*; Ikegami, Kiyoshi*; Kawamura, Masato*; Naito, Fujio*; Nammo, Kesao*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Yamaguchi, Seiya*


The beam commissioning of the J-PARC linac started in November 2006 and 181 MeV acceleration was successfully achieved in January 2007. The linac has delivered beams to the 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron for its commissioning, and then, the subsequent Main Ring Synchrotron and the neutron target commissioning. The linac uses a Cs-free LaB$$_{6}$$-driven ion source and 20 units of 324 MHz klystrons. As of June 2008, the operation times are about 3,000 and 6,000 hours for the ion source and the RF source, respectively. The operating experience of the linac is described.



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