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Shielding experiments under JASMIN collaboration at Fermilab, 4; Measurement and analyses of high-energy neutron spectra in the anti-proton target station

フェルミ国立加速器研究所における遮蔽実験,4; 反陽子生成ターゲットステーションにおける高エネルギー中性子スペクトルの測定及び解析

松田 規宏  ; 春日井 好己  ; 坂本 幸夫; 中島 宏; 松村 宏*; 岩瀬 広*; 木下 哲一*; 平山 英夫*; 八島 浩*; Mokhov, N.*; Leveling, A.*; Boehnlein, D.*; Vaziri, K.*; Gary, L.*; Wayne, S.*; 大石 晃嗣*; 中村 尚司*; 石橋 健二*; 仁井田 浩二*

Matsuda, Norihiro; Kasugai, Yoshimi; Sakamoto, Yukio; Nakashima, Hiroshi; Matsumura, Hiroshi*; Iwase, Hiroshi*; Kinoshita, Norikazu*; Hirayama, Hideo*; Yashima, Hiroshi*; Mokhov, N.*; Leveling, A.*; Boehnlein, D.*; Vaziri, K.*; Gary, L.*; Wayne, S.*; Oishi, Koji*; Nakamura, Takashi*; Ishibashi, Kenji*; Niita, Koji*


It is important to obtain neutron spectra and its intensity on shielding experiment. Deduction of high-energy neutron spectra were done using fitting and unfolding methods based on the shielding data obtained at the anti-proton (pbar) target station in Fermilab. The neutron spectra for fitting method is useful to be easily obtained and the values gave reasonable results compared with nuclear data. Therefore, that for unfolding methods included inconsistency. Furthermore, the deduced neutron spectra were verified through the calculation analyses by PHITS code.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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