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Rb/Sr ratio in Lake Baikal sediment core; The New geochemical proxy for East Asian winter monsoon strength during cool climate period

バイカル湖湖底堆積物中のルビジウム/ストロンチウム比; 冬季東アジアモンスーンの新たな地球化学的指標

奈良 郁子*   ; 山崎 慎一*; 渡邊 隆広   ; 土屋 範芳*; 宮原 ひろ子*; 加藤 丈典*; 箕浦 幸治*; 掛川 武*

Nara, Fumiko*; Yamasaki, Shinichi*; Watanabe, Takahiro; Tsuchiya, Noriyoshi*; Miyahara, Hiroko*; Kato, Takenori*; Minoura, Koji*; Kakegawa, Takeshi*


High-time resolution measurements of the major and trace inorganic elements, such as Rb and Sr, from the Lake Baikal sediment core was carried out to estimate the weathering response and the material provenance in the lake watershed. The fluctuations of the Rb/Sr ratio and mean grain size (MGS) during the Holocene were corresponding with each other. The similar profiles between the Rb/Sr ratio and the MGS from loess sediment in China have been observed in previous study. These results imply that the Rb/Sr ratio can be used as the proxy to estimate the East Asian winter monsoon intensity.



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