Laser remote analysis for MOX fuel and its application for rapid and in-situ analysis in decommissioning of "Fukushima Daiichi" Nuclear Power Station
若井田 育夫
; 赤岡 克昭
; 宮部 昌文
; 大場 弘則
; 佐伯 盛久; 大場 正規
; 伊藤 主税
; 加藤 政明
Wakaida, Ikuo; Akaoka, Katsuaki; Miyabe, Masabumi; Oba, Hironori; Saeki, Morihisa; Oba, Masaki; Ito, Chikara; Kato, Masaaki
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for elemental analysis and Laser Ablation Resonance Absorption Spectroscopy (LARAS) for isotope analysis have been developed as an analytical technique for Low-decontaminated MOX fuel with fissionable Miner Actinide elements (MA) and as for one of the diagnostic tool of nuclear fuel debris and polluted materials in the decommissioning of the severe accident nuclear power station. Specialized glove box with auto and remote arraignment system for LIBS and LARAS was constructed, and the detection limit of Pu in MOX to be several 1000 ppm and some hyper fine structures of
Pu were demonstrated. For the diagnostic tool in the decommissioning of damaged core, optical fiber based portable LIBS probe made by radiation resistant optical fiber is under construction, and just now, some specific spectra from the simulated sample of molten debris made by sintered oxide of Zr and U is successfully observed under water condition or strong radiation field.