A Bunch structure measurement of muons accelerated by RFQ using a longitudinal beam-profile monitor with high time resolution
須江 祐貴*; 飯嶋 徹*; 居波 賢二*; 四塚 麻衣*; 二ツ川 健太*; 河村 成肇*; 三部 勉*; 三宅 康博*; 大谷 将士*; 長谷川 和男; 近藤 恭弘 ; 北村 遼 ; 森下 卓俊 ; 飯沼 裕美*; 中沢 雄河*; 石田 勝彦*; 齊藤 直人; 竹内 佑甫*; 牛澤 昂大*; 安田 浩昌*
Sue, Yuki*; Iijima, Toru*; Inami, Kenji*; Yotsuzuka, Mai*; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Mibe, Tsutomu*; Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Otani, Masashi*; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Kitamura, Ryo; Morishita, Takatoshi; Iinuma, Hiromi*; Nakazawa, Yuga*; Ishida, Katsuhiko*; Saito, Naohito; Takeuchi, Yusuke*; Ushizawa, Takahiro*; Yasuda, Hiromasa*
The result of bunch size measurement of muon accelerated by RFQ up to 89 keV is presented in this paper. A four-stage muon linac for precise measurement of muon property is under construction in the J-PARC. The demonstration of the first muon RF acceleration with an RFQ linac was conducted and the transverse profile of the accelerated muons was measured in 2017. As one of the remaining issues for the beam diagnostic system, the longitudinal beam profile after the RFQ should be measured to match the profile to the designed acceptance of the subsequent accelerator. For this purpose, the new longitudinal beam monitor using the microchannel plate is under development. The time resolution of the monitor aims to be around 30 to 40 ps corresponding to 1% of a period of an operating frequency of the accelerator, which is 324 MHz. On November 2018, the bunch size of accelerated negative muonium ion of 89 keV with the RFQ was measured using this monitor at the J-PARC MLF. The measured bunch width is ns, which is consistent with the simulation.