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Estimation of emergence age using feldspar OSL dating; Case studies in the Noto Peninsula and the Oi River

長石のOSL年代測定による離水時期の推定; 能登半島と大井川の事例

小形 学 ; 塚原 柚子 ; 川村 淳; 菅野 瑞穂; 西山 成哲*; 末岡 茂   ; 小松 哲也  ; 中西 利典*; 安江 健一*

Ogata, Manabu; Tsukahara, Yuzuko; Kawamura, Makoto; Kanno, Mizuho; Nishiyama, Nariaki*; Sueoka, Shigeru; Komatsu, Tetsuya; Nakanishi, Toshimichi*; Yasue, Kenichi*


Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating method on feldspar is useful to date sediments on geomorphological time scale. In this presentation, we present the case studies for marine terraces in the Noto Peninsula and abandoned river valleys along the Oi River, for which the emergence ages were estimated by using feldspar OSL dating. This study was carried out as a part of the establishment of advanced technology for estimation of uplift rates using emergence ages of emergent landforms project.



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