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水素発生G値の温度依存性に関する調査研究,6; 硝酸Pu溶液を用いた水素発生G値の温度依存性に関する考察

Investigation on the temperature dependence of G value of H$$_{2}$$ in Reprocessing solutions, 6; Consideration on the temperature dependence of G value of H$$_{2}$$ in plutonium nitrate solution

阿部 侑馬; 熊谷 友多   ; 宝徳 忍 ; 井上 将男*; 鈴木 紗智子*; 樋川 智洋   ; 渡邉 雅之   ; 中野 正直*; 小山 幹一*; 玉内 義一*

Abe, Yuma; Kumagai, Yuta; Hotoku, Shinobu; Inoue, Masao*; Suzuki, Sachiko*; Toigawa, Tomohiro; Watanabe, Masayuki; Nakano, Masanao*; Oyama, Kanichi*; Tamauchi, Yoshikazu*


Hydrogen is generated from aqueous solutions containing radioactive materials through radiolysis of water. Because of the wide variety of solution properties treated in reprocessing plants and the difficulty of conducting experiments with radioactive materials, few studies have taken into account the properties of the solutions actually used. In particular, there are very few studies on the effects of agitation by bubbling, etc. and on temperature dependence. In this study, hydrogen generation was measured in Pu nitrate solution with and without agitation and at different temperatures, and G-values were calculated. Under the test conditions where the solution was agitated (bubbling agitation or boiling), the G-value increased by about 20 to 30% compared to that under static conditions at room temperature. Under the stirring condition, there was no clear trend of increase/decrease of G-values with increasing temperature. From these results, it is considered that the G-value of Pu nitrate solution increases with stirring and that there is no significant temperature dependence in the stirred condition. The reason for the observed temperature dependence of the hydrogen G-values in this study, which gives different from that of the nitric acid solution in the validation experiment, may be due to the difference in the composition and reaction behavior of the radicals produced by radiolysis between Co-60 gamma-rays and alpha-rays from Pu due to the difference in LET.



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