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Revealing deformation mechanisms at 21 K in AZ31 Mg alloy using TAKUMI

Gong, W.   ; 川崎 卓郎   ; Harjo, S.   ; Zheng, R.*; 眞山 剛*; 相澤 一也  ; 辻 伸泰*

Gong, W.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.; Zheng, R.*; Mayama, Tsuyoshi*; Aizawa, Kazuya; Tsuji, Nobuhiro*

Magnesium (Mg) and its alloys have potential for application in various fields. In recent years, the cryogenic temperature applications such as aerospace, storage, and transport of liquid cryogenics, have become increasingly important and widespread in modern materials. To ensure the safety of Mg parts in cryogenic environments, it is necessary to clarify their mechanical properties and intrinsic deformation mechanisms. However, the deformation behavior of Mg alloys at cryogenic temperatures is still far from being understood due to the limited studies and a lack of methods. Here, we conducted in-situ neutron diffraction experiments to reveal the deformation mechanisms at cryogenic temperatures in an AZ31 Mg alloy.



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