再処理施設における放射性物質の移行挙動に関する研究,6; コールド基礎試験(その3)FP濃度の影響
Study on release and transport of aerial radioactive materials in reprocessing plant, 6; Cold test (Part 3) Effect of FP concentration in mocked HLLW to ARF
田代 信介
; 松本 哲也; 片岡 修; 天野 祐希
; 阿部 仁
; 山根 祐一
; 吉田 一雄
; 石川 淳
; 内山 軍蔵
; 上田 吉徳*; 藤根 幸雄*; 野島 康夫*; 小玉 貴司*; 中野 正直*; 松岡 伸吾*
Tashiro, Shinsuke; Matsumoto, Tetsuya; Kataoka, Osamu; Amano, Yuki; Abe, Hitoshi; Yamane, Yuichi; Yoshida, Kazuo; Ishikawa, Jun; Uchiyama, Gunzo; Ueda, Yoshinori*; Fujine, Sachio*; Nojima, Yasuo*; Kodama, Takashi*; Nakano, Masanao*; Matsuoka, Shingo*
The release behavior of radioactive materials from high-level radioactive liquid wastes (HLW) from reprocessing plants under an accidents of boiling to dryness of HLW condition has been studied. The influences of FP concentration in the simulated HLW on the release ratio of FP from the waste were measured in the laboratory-scaled experiments using non-radioactive simulated HLW which was prepared by dissolving 27 FP elements into nitric acid and adjusted to 2 M acidity. The simulated HLW was heated up to 300
C under the constant air ventilation condition. The accumulated release ratios of FP elements from samples were determined using ICP-MS analysis. It was found that the accumulated release ratio of Ru was decreased with the increase of the initial Ru concentration in the simulated HLW. However, those of Cs and Nd were not influenced by the initial concentrations of them.