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JAEA Reports

Fabrication and replacement work of beryllium frame and gamma-ray shield

Watahiki, Shunsuke; Hanawa, Yoshio; Asano, Norikazu; Hiyama, Kazuhisa; Ito, Sachito; Tsuboi, Kazuaki; Fukasaku, Akitomi

JAEA-Review 2012-013, 92 Pages, 2012/03


This replacement work was carried out under refurbishment plan of JMTR for beryllium distortion draw to acceptable limit. And gamma-ray shield refurbishment was carried out the view point of prevention maintenance in consideration of operation plan. Fabrication of beryllium frame and gamma-ray shield was spent for two years it was finished in February, 2010. It took five months to replacement work from January 2010. In this report is presented fabrication and replacement work of beryllium frame and gamma-ray shield.

JAEA Reports

Renewal of freezer and boiler facilities

Kameyama, Yasuhiko; Yanai, Tomohiro; Sugaya, Naoto; Kusunoki, Hidehiko; Sato, Shinichi; Fukasaku, Akitomi

JAEA-Review 2012-011, 35 Pages, 2012/03


The Japan materials testing reactor (here-in-after "JMTR") was used for irradiation experimental facility such as fuels and materials for commercial reactor. And the JMTR renewal work was started in 2006 and was completed in 2011. In this report, a part of renewal work for (1) freezer and its accompanying pipe and electricity facilities which the purpose of humidification and air-conditioning in the reactor and hot laboratory building, (2) boiler and its accompanying facilities which the purpose of humidification and heating in the reactor, hot laboratory and Alpha Gamma Facility (AGF) is summarized.

JAEA Reports

Renewal of reactor cooling system of JMTR; Reactor building site

Onoue, Ryuji; Kawamata, Takanori; Otsuka, Kaoru; Sekine, Katsunori; Koike, Sumio; Gorai, Shigeru; Nishiyama, Yutaka; Fukasaku, Akitomi

JAEA-Review 2012-010, 116 Pages, 2012/03


JMTR is a light water moderated and cooled tank-type reactor, and its thermal power is 50 MW. The JMTR is categorized as high flux testing reactors in the world. The JMTR has been utilized for irradiation experiments of nuclear fuels and materials, as well as for radioisotope productions since the first criticality in March 1968 until August 2006. JAEA is decided to refurbish the JMTR as an important fundamental infrastructure to promote the nuclear research and development. And The JMTR refurbishment work is carried out for 4 years from 2007. Before refurbishment work, from August 2006 to March 2007, all concerned renewal facilities were selected from evaluation on their damage and wear in terms of aging. Facilities which replacement parts are no longer manufactured or not likely to be manufactured continuously in near future, are selected as renewal ones. Replace priority was decided with special attention to safety concerns. A monitoring of aging condition by the regular maintenance activity is an important factor in selection of continuous using after the restart. In this report, renewal of the cooling system within refurbishment facilities in the JMTR is summarized.

JAEA Reports

Renewal of cooling system of JMTR

Onoue, Ryuji; Kawamata, Takanori; Otsuka, Kaoru; Koike, Sumio; Nishiyama, Yutaka; Fukasaku, Akitomi

JAEA-Review 2011-018, 17 Pages, 2011/06


JMTR is a light water moderated and cooled tank-type reactor, and its thermal power is 50 MW. The JMTR is categorized as high flux testing reactors in the world. The JMTR has been utilized for irradiation experiments of nuclear fuels and materials, as well as for radioisotope productions since the first criticality in March 1968 until August 2006. JAEA decided to refurbish the JMTR as an important fundamental infrastructure to promote the nuclear research and development. The refurbishment work was started from 2007, and restart is planned in 2011. Renewal facilities were selected from evaluation on their damage and wear in terms of aging. Facilities whose replacement parts are no longer manufactured or not likely to be manufactured continuously in near future, are selected as renewal ones. Replacement priority was decided with special attention to safety concerns. A monitoring of aging condition by the regular maintenance activity is an important factor in selection of continuous using after the restart. In this report, renewal of the cooling system within refurbishment facilities in the JMTR is summarized.

JAEA Reports

Activities on the leakage of radioactive substances from buried pipe with cracking

Kameyama, Yasuhiko; Yanai, Tomohiro; Kurosawa, Akihiko; Asano, Norikazu; Hiyama, Kazuhisa; Kusunoki, Hidehiko; Fukasaku, Akitomi

JAEA-Review 2011-017, 19 Pages, 2011/06


The Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) is a testing reactor dedicated to the irradiation tests of materials and fuels. The JMTR has been in a shutdown period since 2006 for its refurbishment, and will restart in 2011. Water analysis and so on are carried out in the hot experimental room, and sample preparation and measurement for the radiation management are carried out in the radiation control room. The waste fluid such as hand-wash water, sample water, washing water generated in these rooms is transferred to the waste tank in the hot machine room through the buried pipe. The crack was found at the flange of the buried pipe when sewerage works were carried out. The flange is located in a non-controlled area. A small amount of radionuclide (cesium 137 and cobalt 60) was detected as a result of radioactivity measurement from the surrounding soil. In this report, the cause of the leakage from the buried pipe, the countermeasure and the prevention measure are summarized.

JAEA Reports

Investigation on integrity of JMTR reactor building

Oto, Tsutomu; Kimura, Tadashi; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi

JAEA-Review 2010-066, 22 Pages, 2011/01


The refurbishment of JMTR is scheduled from the beginning of FY 2007 to the end of FY 2010. An integrity investigation for concrete structures of the JMTR buildings was carried out in early phase of the refurbishment. This paper describes investigated results and repair work of the vent stack, trenches, canal building and the filter bank. Investigated items were the concrete surface deterioration, rebound number (nondestructive estimation of strength), comprehensive strength using drilled concrete core test piece, carbonation depth, reinforced bar corrosion and chloride ion content. The integrity of these concrete structures was confirmed by these investigations. Based on the investigation results, repair works such as re-painting were carried out from the viewpoint of preventive maintenance for the vent stack, trenches and canal building.

JAEA Reports

Investigation on integrity of heat exchanger and tanks in primary cooling system of JMTR

Onoue, Ryuji; Ebisawa, Hiroyuki; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi

JAEA-Review 2010-059, 19 Pages, 2010/12


The JMTR is a light water moderated and cooled tank-type reactor. First criticality was achieved in March 1968. The refurbishment of JMTR is scheduled from the beginning of FY2007 to the end of FY2010. An investigation on aged components was carried out since the beginning of FY2007. In this paper, the aged-investigations for heat exchangers and tanks in the primary cooling system are presented. The integrity of three heat exchangers was confirmed by the eddy current testing for heat exchanger tubes, visual observation using endoscope, liquid penetration test of tube plates and thickness measurement of the main body. The visual inspection test and liquid penetration test were carried out to confirm the integrity of tanks in the primary cooling system. The heat exchangers and tanks in the primary cooling system will be continuously used in the future operation of the JMTR by appropriate maintenance activities based on the long-term maintenance program.

JAEA Reports

Investigation on integrity of canal expanded joint

Oto, Tsutomu; Kimura, Tadashi; Miyauchi, Masaru; Nemoto, Nobuaki; Tobita, Kenji; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Takahashi, Kunihiro

JAEA-Review 2010-017, 21 Pages, 2010/07


An integrity investigation of a Canal Expanded Joint was carried out as one of the integrity investigation of the JMTR reactor building related facilities and components, before the repair or replacement work of the JMTR related facilities that had begun in FY2007. The Canal Expanded Joint will be used for long-term after the JMTR restart. In the integrity investigation, the visual inspection, the performance test (Surface observations, Durometer hardness test) were investigated respectively and the integrity of the Canal Expanded Joint was confirmed. In order to use the Canal Expanded Joint continuously for long-term, it is important for maintaining the integrity of the Canal Expanded Joint by the periodical maintenance and the repairing work including that has been conducted up to now.

JAEA Reports

Investigation on integrity of JMTR concrete structure

Miyauchi, Masaru; Kimura, Tadashi; Oto, Tsutomu; Nemoto, Nobuaki; Tobita, Kenji; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Takahashi, Kunihiro

JAEA-Review 2010-008, 106 Pages, 2010/06


An integrity investigation was carried out for the JMTR Concrete Structure (Vent Stack, Trench, Canal Building, Filter Bank), which was the concrete structure and would be used for the long-term after JMTR restart, before the repair or replacement work of the JMTR related facilities that had begun in FY2007. In the integrity investigation, the concrete surface deterioration, the rebound number (nondestructive strength test), compressive strength using drilled concrete core test piece, the static modules of elasticity, the carbonation depth, the reinforced bar corrosion and the chloride ion content were investigated respectively and the integrity of concrete was confirmed. After the investigation, repair works such as re-painting of the Vent Stack and Trench were carried out from the viewpoint of prevention of flaking off, floating of the painting and the thinning due to the investigation results. In order to use the JMTR concrete structure continuously for long-term, it is important for maintaining the integrity of a concrete structure by the periodical maintenance and the repairing work including the building outer-wall surface painting that has been conducted up to now.

JAEA Reports

Investigation on integrity of JMTR UCL elevated water tank

Kimura, Tadashi; Oto, Tsutomu; Miyauchi, Masaru; Nemoto, Nobuaki; Tobita, Kenji; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Takahashi, Kunihiro

JAEA-Review 2010-001, 27 Pages, 2010/03


In order to investigate an integrity of the UCL (Utility Cooling Line) elevated water tank to be used for a long term after the JMTR restart, investigation on the base of the UCL elevated tank, especially for the part which had a significant aged effect, was carried out before the refurbishment work of the JMTR related facilities which had begun in FY2007. In the integrity investigation, it was confirmed that some part of the base bolts had significant aged effects, there were no evidence of crack and false indication in the welding region though thinning were observed in some parts of the base plate and the surrounding plate. After the investigation, repair works such as re-painting of the UCL elevated water tank were carried out from the viewpoint of prevention of flaking off, floating of the painting and the thinning due to corrosion based on the investigation results. In order to maintain the integrity of the UCL elevated tank, the periodical maintenance and the repair works of the base of the UCL elevated tank are important for continuous use of it in future.

JAEA Reports

Investigation on integrity of JMTR reactor building

Kimura, Tadashi; Oto, Tsutomu; Miyauchi, Masaru; Nemoto, Nobuaki; Tobita, Kenji; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Takahashi, Kunihiro

JAEA-Review 2009-054, 73 Pages, 2010/03


An integrity investigation was carried out for the JMTR reactor building, which was the concrete structure and would be used for the long-term after JMTR restart, before the repair or replacement work of the JMTR related facilities that had begun in FY2007. In the integrity investigation, the concrete surface deterioration, the rebound number (nondestructive strength test), compressive strength using drilled concrete core test piece, the static modules of elasticity, the carbonation depth, the reinforced bar corrosion and the chloride ion content were investigated respectively and the integrity of concrete was confirmed. In order to use the JMTR reactor building continuously for long-term, it is important for maintaining the integrity of a concrete structure by the periodical maintenance and the repairing work including the building outer-wall surface painting that has been conducted up to now.

JAEA Reports

Investigation on integrity of JMTR concrete structures, cooling system and utility facilities

Ebisawa, Hiroyuki; Tobita, Kenji; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Kaminaga, Masanori

JAEA-Review 2009-055, 24 Pages, 2010/02


The condition of facilities and components to be used for re-operation of the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) from FY2011, was investigated before the refurbishment work. An investigation of aged components (aged-investigation) was carried out for concrete structures of the JMTR reactor building, exhaust stack, trench, canal, filter banks and for aged components of tanks in the primary cooling system, heat exchangers, pipes in the secondary cooling system, cooling tower, emergency generators and so on, in order to identify their integrity. The aged-investigation was carried out from the beginning of FY2007. As a result, cracks of concrete structures such as the exhaust stack, a foundation of the UCL (Utility Cooling Line) elevated water tank were repaired and pipe linings of secondary cooling system were replaced. Motors of primary cooling pumps, pumps in the secondary cooling system and in other systems were decided to replace from viewpoints of future maintenance and improvement of reliability. Other components and the reactor building were decided to use continuously for a long-term by appropriate maintenance activities based on the long-term maintenance plan. In this paper, the aged-investigation for the JMTR reactor building, heat exchangers and emergency generators is presented.

JAEA Reports

Verification on integrity of JMTR emergency generator

Hanakawa, Hiroki; Sato, Shinichi; Kusunoki, Hidehiko; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Tobita, Kenji

JAEA-Review 2009-044, 24 Pages, 2010/01


Electric power supply system of JMTR consists of commercial power supply system and emergency power supply system. In the periodical assessment of JMTR, it was concluded that the integrity of the emergency generators were confirmed and the aging effects were to be watching continuously in future. Therefore, prior to the restart of the JMTR, verification on integrity of the generators were carried out in order to confirm the integrity and to determine maintenance plans which run before and after the restart. As a result, the integrity of the generators were confirmed because the electrical degradation was not found. Maintenance plan is determined before JMTR restart. Also it is possible to maintain the integrity of the generators by carrying on the current maintenance plan with periodical overhaul.

JAEA Reports

The Outline of investigation on integrity of JMTR concrete structures, cooling system and utility facilities

Ebisawa, Hiroyuki; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Asano, Norikazu; Kusunoki, Hidehiko; Yanai, Tomohiro; Sato, Shinichi; Miyauchi, Masaru; Oto, Tsutomu; Kimura, Tadashi; Kawamata, Takanori; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2009-030, 165 Pages, 2009/07


The condition of facilities and machinery used continuously were investigated before the renewal work of JMTR on FY 2007. The subjects of investigation were reactor building, primary cooling system tanks, secondary cooling system piping and tower, emergency generator and so on. As the result, it was confirmed that some facilities and machinery were necessary to repair and others were used continuously for long term by maintaining on the long-term maintenance plan. JMTR is planed to renew by the result of this investigation.

Journal Articles

Refurbishment status on reactor facilities of JMTR

Takemoto, Noriyuki; Hanawa, Yoshio; Gorai, Shigeru; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Miyazawa, Masataka; Niimi, Motoji

JAEA-Conf 2008-010, p.97 - 105, 2008/12

Operation of the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR), a light-water-cooling tank-type reactor with a 50 MW thermal power, was stopped in August 2006, and now its refurbishment is on going. The reactor facilities are to be refurbished during four years from the beginning of FY 2007, and the renewed JMTR will be operated from FY 2011 until around FY 2030. As for the decision of the refurbishment, reactor facilities to be renewed and to be continuously used were selected from a viewpoint of ensuring safety, improvement of availability-factor, etc. The selected renewal reactor facilities were the reactor instrument and control system, cooling system, radioactive waste facility, power supply system, boiler, etc. Presented are the basic idea on selection of the renewal facilities, outline of these facilities and schedule of refurbishment work.

JAEA Reports

Inspection of secondary cooling system piping of JMTR

Hanawa, Yoshio; Izumo, Hironobu; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Nagao, Yoshiharu; Kawamura, Hiroshi

JAEA-Review 2008-023, 55 Pages, 2008/06


Piping condition was inspected form the view point of confirmation of long term utilization before renewal work of secondary cooling system in the JMTR on FY 2008. As the result, it was confirmed that crack, swelling and exfoliation in inner lining of piping could be observed, and corrosion in piping could hardly be observed. Repair of inner lining of piping during refurbishment of the JMTR is necessary to long term utilization of secondary cooling system after restart of the JMTR. In addition, periodic inspection of inner lining condition is necessary after repair of secondary cooling system piping.

Journal Articles

Renewal of the reactor facilities for JMTR

Gorai, Shigeru; Hanawa, Yoshio; Ebisawa, Hiroyuki; Oto, Tsutomu; Fukasaku, Akitomi

UTNL-R-0466, p.1_2_1 - 1_2_8, 2008/03

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Renewal of JMTR facility, 1; Outline of nuclear reactor facilities update and maintenance plan for the future

Asano, Norikazu; Kurosawa, Akihiko; Yanai, Tomohiro; Watahiki, Shunsuke; Kameyama, Yasuhiko; Onoue, Ryuji; Tobita, Kenji; Fukasaku, Akitomi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Preliminary inspection of secondary cooling system piping for maintenance plan in JMTR

Hanakawa, Hiroki; Hanawa, Yoshio; Izumo, Hironobu; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Nagao, Yoshiharu; Miyazawa, Masataka; Niimi, Motoji

no journal, , 

The refurbished JMTR will start on FY 2011, and operate for a period of about 20 years. Before this plan, preliminary inspection of secondary cooling system piping was carried out in order to make a maintenance plan. As the results of this inspection, it was confirmed that the corrosion was reached by piping ingot, or decrease of piping thickness could hardly be observed. It was therefore confirmed that the strength or the functionality of the piping had been maintained by usual operation and maintenance. According to the results of this inspection, the basic date for maintenances are confirmed and it is clear to be able to make the maintenances plan in future.

Oral presentation

Refurbishment and restart of JMTR, 2; Study on renewal of aging reactor component

Hanakawa, Hiroki; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Nagao, Yoshiharu; Miyazawa, Masataka; Niimi, Motoji

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

24 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)