Fluoride complexation of element 104, rutherfordium
羽場 宏光*; 塚田 和明 ; 浅井 雅人 ; 豊嶋 厚史; 秋山 和彦; 西中 一朗; 平田 勝 ; 矢板 毅; 市川 進一; 永目 諭一郎 ; 安田 健一郎 ; 宮本 ユタカ ; 金子 哲也; 後藤 真一*; 小野 佐和子*; 平井 利幸*; 工藤 久昭*; 重川 充*; 篠原 厚*; 大浦 泰嗣*; 中原 弘道*; 末木 啓介*; 菊永 英寿*; 木下 哲一*; 釣賀 直哉*; 横山 明彦*; 阪間 稔*; 榎本 秀一*; Schdel, M.*; Brchle, W.*; Kratz, J. V.*
Haba, Hiromitsu*; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Asai, Masato; Toyoshima, Atsushi; Akiyama, Kazuhiko; Nishinaka, Ichiro; Hirata, Masaru; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Ichikawa, Shinichi; Nagame, Yuichiro; Yasuda, Kenichiro; Miyamoto, Yutaka; Kaneko, Tetsuya; Goto, Shinichi*; Ono, Sawako*; Hirai, Toshiyuki*; Kudo, Hisaaki*; Shigekawa, Mitsuru*; Shinohara, Atsushi*; Oura, Yasuji*; Nakahara, Hiromichi*; Sueki, Keisuke*; Kikunaga, Hidetoshi*; Kinoshita, Norikazu*; Tsuruga, Naoya*; Yokoyama, Akihiko*; Sakama, Minoru*; Enomoto, Shuichi*; Schdel, M.*; Brchle, W.*; Kratz, J. V.*
Fluoride complexation of element 104, rutherfordium (Rf), produced in the Cm(O,5n)Rf reaction has been studied by anion-exchange chromatography on an atom-at-a-time scale. The anion-exchangechromatographic behavior of Rf was investigated in 1.9-13.9 M hydrofluoric acid together with those of the group-4 elements Zr and Hf produced in the O-induced reactions on Ge and Gd targets, respectively. It was found that the adsorption behavior of Rf on anion-exchange resin is quite different from those of Zr and Hf, suggesting the influence of relativistic effect on the fluoride complexation of Rf.