※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Design and performance of high-pressure PLANET beamline at pulsed neutron source at J-PARC


服部 高典   ; 佐野 亜沙美   ; 有馬 寛*; 小松 一生*; 山田 明寛*; 稲村 泰弘  ; 中谷 健 ; 瀬戸 雄介*; 永井 隆哉*; 内海 渉; 飯高 敏晃*; 鍵 裕之*; 片山 芳則; 井上 徹*; 大友 季哉*; 鈴谷 賢太郎; 神山 崇*; 新井 正敏; 八木 健彦*

Hattori, Takanori; Sano, Asami; Arima, Hiroshi*; Komatsu, Kazuki*; Yamada, Akihiro*; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Nakatani, Takeshi; Seto, Yusuke*; Nagai, Takaya*; Utsumi, Wataru; Iitaka, Toshiaki*; Kagi, Hiroyuki*; Katayama, Yoshinori; Inoue, Toru*; Otomo, Toshiya*; Suzuya, Kentaro; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Arai, Masatoshi; Yagi, Takehiko*


PLANET is a time-of-flight (ToF) neutron beamline dedicated to high-pressure and high-temperature experiments. The large six-axis multi-anvil high-pressure press designed for ToF neutron diffraction experiments enables routine data collection at high pressures and high temperatures up to 10 GPa and 2000 K, respectively. To obtain clean data, the beamline is equipped with the incident slits and receiving collimators to eliminate parasitic scattering from the high-pressure cell assembly. The high performance of the diffractometer for the resolution ($$Delta$$ $$d$$/$$d$$ $$sim$$ 0.6%) and the accessible $$d$$-spacing range (0.2-8.4 ${AA}$) together with low-parasitic scattering characteristics enables precise structure determination of crystals and liquids under high pressure and temperature conditions.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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