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 年 ~ 

Muon profile measurement after acceleration with a radio-frequency quadrupole linac


大谷 将士*; 須江 祐貴*; 深尾 祥紀*; 二ツ川 健太*; 河村 成肇*; 三部 勉*; 三宅 康博*; 下村 浩一郎*; 山崎 高幸*; 飯嶋 徹*; Bae*; Choi, H.*; Choi, S.*; Kim, B.*; Ko, H. S.*; 長谷川 和男; 近藤 恭弘   ; 森下 卓俊  ; 飯沼 裕美*; 中沢 雄河*; 石田 勝彦*; 北村 遼*; Li, S.*; Razuvaev, G. P.*; 齊藤 直人; Won, E.*

Otani, Masashi*; Sue, Yuki*; Fukao, Yoshinori*; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Mibe, Tsutomu*; Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Shimomura, Koichiro*; Yamazaki, Takayuki*; Iijima, Toru*; Bae*; Choi, H.*; Choi, S.*; Kim, B.*; Ko, H. S.*; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Morishita, Takatoshi; Iinuma, Hiromi*; Nakazawa, Yuga*; Ishida, Katsuhiko*; Kitamura, Ryo*; Li, S.*; Razuvaev, G. P.*; Saito, Naohito; Won, E.*


We have measured the muon beam profile after acceleration using a radio frequency quadrupole linac (RFQ). Positive muons are injected to an aluminum degrader and negative muoniums (Mu$$^{-}$$) are generated. The generated Mu$$^{-}$$s are extracted by an electrostatic lens and accelerated to 89 keV by the RFQ. The accelerated Mu$$^{-}$$s are transported to a beam profile monitor (BPM) through a quadrupole magnet pair and a bending magnet. The BPM consists of a micro-channel plate, a phospher screen, and a CCD camera. Measured profile in the vertical direction is consistent to the simulation. This profile measurement is one of milestones for realizing a muon linac for measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex.



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分野:Physics, Particles & Fields



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