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検索結果: 26 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Validation of the $$^{10}$$Be ground-state molecular structure using $$^{10}$$Be($$p,palpha$$)$$^{6}$$He triple differential reaction cross-section measurements

Li, P. J.*; Beaumel, D.*; Lee, J.*; Assi$'e$, M.*; Chen, S.*; Franchoo, S.*; Gibelin, J.*; Hammache, F.*; Harada, T.*; 延与 佳子*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 131(21), p.212501_1 - 212501_7, 2023/11



Multiple mechanisms in proton-induced nucleon removal at $$sim$$100 MeV/nucleon

Pohl, T.*; Sun, Y. L.*; Obertelli, A.*; Lee, J.*; G$'o$mez-Ramos, M.*; 緒方 一介*; 吉田 数貴; Cai, B. S.*; Yuan, C. X.*; Brown, B. A.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 130(17), p.172501_1 - 172501_8, 2023/04

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:91.26(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Ten years of warming increased plant-derived carbon accumulation in an East Asian monsoon forest

Zhang, J.*; Kuang, L.*; Mou, Z.*; 近藤 俊明*; 小嵐 淳; 安藤 麻里子; Li, Y.*; Tang, X.*; Wang, Y.-P.*; Pe$~n$uelas, J.*; et al.

Plant and Soil, 481(1-2), p.349 - 365, 2022/12

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:60.99(Agronomy)

Soil warming effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition and stabilization are highly variable, and the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. In this study, concentration, stability (dissolved, particle and mineral-associated SOC), and source (plant-derived and microbial-derived) of SOC, soil microbial community composition, and enzyme activities were studied in a 10-year soil warming field experiment in an East Asian monsoon forest. The results showed that 10-year soil warming significantly enhanced SOC in the top 0-10 cm soil. The increased SOC induced by warming was mainly derived from plants with lignin markers, accompanied by a decrease in microbial-derived SOC. This highlights an urgent need for a better understanding of how the contrasting effects of plant- and microbial-derived C mediate the response of the SOC pool to warming across different biomes.


Study of medium-spin states of neutron-rich $$^{87,89,91}$$Rb isotopes

Torres, D. A.*; Chapman, R.*; Kumar, V.*; Hadinia, B.*; Hodsdon, A.*; Labiche, M.*; Liang, X.*; O'Donnell, D.*; Ollier, J.*; Orlandi, R.; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 55(9), p.158_1 - 158_21, 2019/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02(Physics, Nuclear)

Excited states of the rubidium isotopes $$^{87,89,91}$$Rb were studied at the INFN Legnaro National Laboratory. Measurements of the $$gamma$$-ray of nuclei produced in binary reactions from the interaction of a beam of 530 MeV $$^{96}$$Zr ions with a $$^{124}$$Sn target were complemented by studies of the $$gamma$$-rays from nuclei produced in the interaction of a beam of 230 MeV $$^{36}$$S ions with a thick $$^{176}$$Yb target. The structure of the yrast states of $$^{87, 89, 91}$$Rb is discussed within the context of spherical shell-model and cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations.


Sulfate complexation of element 104, Rf, in H$$_{2}$$SO$$_{4}$$/HNO$$_{3}$$ mixed solution

Li, Z.*; 豊嶋 厚史; 浅井 雅人; 塚田 和明; 佐藤 哲也; 佐藤 望; 菊池 貴宏; 永目 諭一郎; Sch$"a$del, M.; Pershina, V.*; et al.

Radiochimica Acta, 100(3), p.157 - 164, 2012/03

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:70.88(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

The cation-exchange behavior of $$^{261}$$Rf ($$T_{1/2}$$ = 78 s) produced in the $$^{248}$$Cm($$^{18}$$O, 5$$n$$) reaction was studied on a one-atom-at-a-time scale in 0.15-0.69 M H$$_{2}$$SO$$_{4}$$/HNO$$_{3}$$ mixed solutions ([H$$^{+}$$] = 1.0 M) using an automated ion-exchange separation apparatus coupled with the detection system for alpha-spectroscopy (AIDA). It was found that adsorption probabilities ($$%$$ads) of $$^{261}$$Rf on cation-exchange resin decrease with an increase of [HSO$$_{4}$$$$^{-}$$], showing a successive formation of Rf sulfate complexes. Rf exhibits a weaker complex formation tendency compared to the lighter homologues Zr and Hf. This is in good agreement with theoretical predictions including relativistic effects.


PET studies of neuroendcrine tumors by using $$^{76}$$Br-$$m$$-bromobenzylguanidine ($$^{76}$$Br-MBBG)

渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; Liang, J. X.*; 飯田 靖彦*; 渡辺 智; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

JAEA-Review 2010-065, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2009, P. 107, 2011/01

$$^{131}$$I-$$m$$-Iodobenzylgunanidine ($$^{131}$$I-MIBG), functional analogue of norepinephrine, has been employed for the therapy of neuroendcrine tumors which express norepinephrine transporter (NET). $$^{123}$$I-MIBG scintigraphy has been also used for diagnosis of NET positive tumors such as detecting metastasis, investigating suitability and monitoring response to the treatment with $$^{131}$$I-MIBG. However, $$^{123}$$I-MIBG scintigraphy has limitation to diagnose small legions due to its lower sensitivity and spatial resolution. Since positron emission tomography (PET) is superior to scintigraphy, positron emitter labeled MIBG has potential to improve diagnostic ability of NET positive neuroendcrine tumors. Then, we have reveal the utility of positron emitter $$^{76}$$Br labeled m-bromobenzylguanidine ($$^{76}$$Br-MBBG) as a PET tracer for NET positive tumor.


PET imaging of norepinephrine transporter-expressing tumors using $$^{76}$$Br-${it meta}$-bromobenzylguanidine

渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; Liang, J. X.; 飯田 靖彦*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 51(9), p.1472 - 1479, 2010/09

 被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:56.56(Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging)

${it Meta}$-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) labeled has been widely used for the diagnosis and radiotherapy of norepinephrine transporter (NET)-expressing tumors. This study demonstrated that a positron emitter $$^{76}$$Br labeled ${it meta}$-bromobenzylguanidine ($$^{76}$$Br-MBBG) was prepared and evaluated as a potential PET tracer for imaging NET-expressing tumors. $$^{76}$$Br-MBBG was stable in vitro, but some time-dependent dehalogenation was observed after administration in normal mice. MBBG showed high uptake in PC-12 tumor cells, and this uptake was significantly decreased by the addition of NET inhibitors. In biodistribution, MBBG showed high tumor accumulation (32.0 $$pm$$ 18.6% ID/g at 3 h p.i.) and the tumor-to-blood ratio reached as high as 54.4 $$pm$$ 31.9. Tumor uptake of MBBG correlated very well with that of $$^{125}$$I-MIBG (r = 0.997), but not with $$^{18}$$F-FDG. MBBG-PET showed a very clear image of the transplanted tumor with high sensitivity, and the visualized lesion was different from that by FDG-PET. These results indicated that $$^{76}$$Br-MBBG would be a potential PET tracer for imaging NET-expressing neuroendocrine tumors, and could provide useful information for determining the indications for $$^{131}$$I-MIBG therapy.


$$^{76}$$Br-m-bromobenzylguanidine ($$^{76}$$Br-MBBG) for in vivo imaging of neuroendcrine-tumor with PET

渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; Liang, J. X.; 飯田 靖彦*; 渡辺 智; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 107, 2009/12

$$^{131}$$I-m-Iodobenzylgunanidine ($$^{131}$$I-MIBG), functional analogue of norepinephrine, has been employed for the therapy of neuroendcrine tumors which express norepinephrine transporter (NET). $$^{123}$$I-MIBG scintigraphy has been also used for diagnosis of the neuroendcrine tumors. However, MIBG scintigraphy has been not enough for diagnosis of neuroendcrine tumors due to poor sensitivity and resolution. Positron emission tomography (PET) is superior to spatial resolution and quantitative capability. To improve diagnostic ability of NET positive neuroendcrine tumor, positron emitter $$^{76}$$Br labeled m-bromobenzylguanidine ($$^{76}$$Br-MBBG) was synthesized. $$^{76}$$Br was synthesized successfully with 50% of labeling efficiency, and the compound had great stability in vitro. In biodistribution studies using neuroendcrine tumor xenografted nude mice, $$^{76}$$Br-MBBG showed highest accumulation to the tumor, which is relative high compared to that of MIBG. These results indicate that $$^{76}$$Br-MBBG is useful for in vivo imaging of neuroendcrine tumors with PET.


Chelating ion-exchange methods for the preparation of no-carrier-added $$^{64}$$Cu

渡邉 茂樹; 渡辺 智; Liang, J. X.; 花岡 宏史*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 36(6), p.587 - 590, 2009/09

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:22.64(Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging)

We have developed a production method for no-carrier-added copper-64 ($$^{64}$$Cu) by using chelating resin bearing iminodiacetic acid groups. We optimized the condition for selective separation of radioactive copper by using chelating resin from nickel and cobalt. Radioactive copper was separated completely using 0.1 M and 2 M HCl solution. In production of no-carrier-added $$^{64}$$Cu, the average 87% of $$^{64}$$Cu was isolated from the $$^{64}$$NiO target with high radionuclide purity ($$>$$ 99%). In order to investigate the quality of the obtained $$^{64}$$Cu, metallic impurities contained in the $$^{64}$$Cu solution were analyzed by means of inductive coupled-plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) and optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). It was observed that extremely low amounts of metal ion were contained in the $$^{64}$$Cu. The $$^{64}$$Cu solution showed high specific activity (average: 594.7 GBq/$$mu$$mol). In this study, the chelating exchange method yielded high-quality of $$^{64}$$Cu sufficient for the synthesis of $$^{64}$$Cu-labeled radiopharmaceuticals and medical applications.



渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; Liang, J. X.; 飯田 靖彦*; 渡辺 智; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 

神経内分泌腫瘍にはノルエピネフリントランスポーター(NET)を高発現しているものが多く、ノルエピネフリン誘導体である[$$^{131}$$I]-m-Iodobenzylguanidine ($$^{131}$$II-MIBG)が神経内分泌腫瘍の診断さらには治療に利用されている。しかし、$$^{131}$$I-MIBG又は$$^{123}$$I-MIBGをトレーサとしたSPECTでは病変の数や転移部位を正確に把握することは難しいことから、$$^{131}$$I-MIBG治療の適応症例の判断や治療後の効果判定を行うには、解像度が高く定量性に優れるポジトロン断層撮像法(PET)の適用が望まれる。そこで神経内分泌腫瘍のPETによるイメージングの可能性を検討するため、ポジトロン放出核種である$$^{76}$$Br(半減期=16.1時間, $$beta$$$$^{+}$$壊変=57%)を標識した$$^{76}$$Br-m-Bromobenzylguanidine($$^{76}$$Br-MBBG)を合成し、化合物の安定性試験、担がんマウスを用いた体内分布実験と小動物用PETによるin vivoイメージングを行った。その結果、$$^{76}$$Br-MBBGを標識率43%で合成し、血しょう中で24時間安定であることが明らかとなった。また、担がんマウスを用いた体内分布実験では$$^{76}$$Br-MBBGが腫瘍特異的に集積し、その集積はMIBGよりも高いことが明らかとなった。小動物用PETによるin vivoイメージングを行った結果、腫瘍を明瞭に描出する画像を取得した。以上の結果より、$$^{76}$$Br-MBBGがPETイメージングに応用可能な薬剤であることが示された。



渡邉 茂樹; 渡辺 智; Liang, J. X.; 花岡 宏史*; 飯田 靖彦*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 

$$^{64}$$Cuは半減期12.7時間の放射性核種で、半減期が従来のPET核種である$$^{18}$$F, $$^{11}$$Cに比べて長く、安定な標識薬剤を得やすいなどの特徴を持つことから、新規PET核種として医学分野での利用が期待されている。これまで$$^{64}$$Cuの分離・精製には陰イオン交換法が一般的に用いられてきた。しかし、この方法は高濃度(2$$sim$$6M)の塩酸を大量に必要とすることや、$$^{64}$$Cuの安定した分離が難しいことなどから、医学利用での普及に課題を抱えている。そこで、これらの課題を克服する新規分離法として従来法に比べ低濃度の酸溶液で$$^{64}$$Cuを選択的に分離することが期待できるキレート交換法に着目し、本法を用いた新規製造法を開発し、医学利用への可能性について検討した。その結果、0.1$$sim$$1Mの低濃度の塩酸を用いることで選択的に放射性Cuを分離できることが示された。また、本法を用いて$$^{64}$$Cuの製造を行った結果、平均回収率は89%(n=12)で、放射性核種純度は99%以上であった。比放射能は1095GBq/$$mu$$molで、これまでの報告と比べ高い値であった。最後に抗体標識実験を行った結果、平均標識率は88%(n=3)であった。このことから今回開発した新規製造法は従来法と同程度の回収率を維持しながら、低濃度の塩酸を用いて$$^{64}$$Cuを製造することが可能であることが示された。また、得られる$$^{64}$$Cuは高純度・高比放射能を有しており、医学利用可能であることが明らかとなった。



渡邉 茂樹; 飯田 靖彦*; 花岡 宏史*; Liang, J. X.; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 

近年、ポジトロン断層撮像法(PET)やRI内用療法などRIの医学利用が急速に普及している。その中で$$^{64}$$Cuは比較的長い半減期(12.7時間)を持つこと、また、壊変形式(EC=42%, $$beta$$$$^{+}$$=19%, $$beta$$$$^{-}$$=39%)が多様であることから、広く医学利用が期待される核種である。これまで$$^{64}$$Cuの製造に関する研究は盛んに行われており、現在では国内外で定常的な製造が可能となってきている。しかし、有用な放射性薬剤の拡大に伴う製造を行ううえでのスペース不足や時間の制約など、新たな問題も予想される。そこで今回、これらを解決する方法の一つとして、より効率的な$$^{64}$$Cu製造法の開発が重要であると考え、$$^{64}$$NiOをターゲットとした$$^{64}$$Cuの新規製造法について検討を行った。また、この製造方法の医学分野における利用可能性を検討するため、$$^{64}$$Cu標識抗体の作製とPETによるイメージングを行い、評価を行った。



渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; Liang, J. X.; 飯田 靖彦*; 渡辺 智; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 



Br-76標識m-Bromobenzylguanidine ($$^{76}$$Br-MBBG)を用いた腫瘍イメージング

渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; Liang, J. X.; 渡辺 智; 飯田 靖彦*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 

$$^{131}$$I-MIBGによる神経内分泌腫瘍のRI治療では、その前後において適応症例や治療効果判定を目的としたMIBGシンチが行われているが、感度や定量性が低いことから病変の把握には限界がある。そこでわれわれは感度や定量性に優れるPETへの適応が可能なMIBG誘導体として$$^{76}$$Br(t$$_{1/2}$$=16.1h, $$beta$$$$^{+}$$=57%)で標識した$$^{76}$$Br-MBBGを合成し、その基礎的評価を行ってきた。本発表では$$^{18}$$F-FDG, $$^{76}$$Br-MBBG, $$^{125}$$I-MIBGに褐色細胞腫(PC-12)移植マウスにおける体内分布の検討及び$$^{76}$$Br-MBBGを用いたPETイメージングについての検討結果を報告する。


臨床応用を目指した新規がん診断用薬剤の開発; $$^{76}$$Br標識m-ブロモベンジルグアニジン($$^{76}$$Br-MBBG)

渡邉 茂樹; Liang, J. X.*; 渡辺 智; 石岡 典子; 花岡 宏史*; 飯田 靖彦*; 遠藤 啓吾*

no journal, , 




寺本 宗正*; 近藤 俊明*; Liang, N.*; Zeng, J.*; 中根 周歩*; 小嵐 淳; 安藤 麻里子; 荒巻 能史*; 冨松 元*; Zhao, X.*

no journal, , 




Liang, N.*; 寺本 宗正*; 高木 健太郎*; 近藤 俊明*; 小嵐 淳; 安藤 麻里子; 平野 高司*; 高橋 善幸*; 高木 正博*; 石田 祐宣*; et al.

no journal, , 




渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; Liang, J. X.; 飯田 靖彦*; 渡辺 智; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 



Synthesis and stability of [$$^{77}$$Br]-m-Bromobenzylguanidine ($$^{77}$$Br-MBBG)

渡邉 茂樹; 石岡 典子; Liang, J. X.; 花岡 宏史*; 飯田 靖彦*; 遠藤 啓吾*

no journal, , 

$$^{76}$$Br (t$$_{1/2}$$ = 16.2 h, $$beta$$$$^{+}$$ = 57%, EC = 43%) has intermediated half-life and may have great potentials as radionuclide for positron emission tomography (PET). We have produced $$^{76}$$Br via the $$^{76}$$Se(p,n)$$^{76}$$Br reaction using Cu$$_{2}$$$$^{76}$$Se target by AVF cyclotron in JAEA, and also have interest in bromine labeled radiopharmaceuticals. Radioiodine labeled m-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) such as [$$^{123}$$I]-MIBG have been widely employed for heart function and tumor imaging with SPECT. In contrast, PET is superior in quantitative measurement and $$^{76}$$Br labeled bromobenzylguanidine (MBBG) can be expected to employ as a novel imaging reagent with PET. In this work, we synthesized radioactive Br labeled MBBG using $$^{77}$$Br and evaluated the chemical properties and stability of Br-MBBG.


Synthesis and stability of $$^{76}$$Br-${it m}$-bromobenzylgianidine ($$^{76}$$Br-MBBG)

渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; Liang, J. X.; 飯田 靖彦*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 

$$^{76}$$Br (t$$_{1/2}$$ = 16.2 h, $$beta$$$$^{+}$$ = 57%, EC = 43%) has intermediated half-life and may have great potentials as radionuclide for positron emission tomography (PET). We have produced $$^{76}$$Br via the $$^{76}$$Se(p,n)$$^{76}$$Br reaction using Cu$$_{2}$$$$^{76}$$Se target, and also have interest in bromine labeled radiopharmaceuticals. Radioiodine labeled ${it m}$-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) such as [$$^{123}$$I] or [$$^{131}$$I]-MIBG have been widely employed for imaging of myocardial function and neuroendcrine tumor with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). PET is superior in quantitative measurement to SPECT, thus positron emitter $$^{76}$$Br-labeled MIBG can be expected to employ as a novel imaging reagent for PET. In this study, we synthesized $$^{76}$$Br labeled meta-bromobenzylguanidine ($$^{76}$$Br-MBBG) for tumor imaging by PET to evaluated stability in serum and biodistribution of $$^{76}$$Br-MBBG using normal mice.

26 件中 1件目~20件目を表示