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検索結果: 43 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Maintaining formation of multiple robotic wheelchairs for smooth communication

鈴木 亮太*; 小林 貴訓*; 久野 義徳*; 山田 大地; 山崎 敬一*; 山崎 晶子*

International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 25(5), p.1640005_1 - 1640005_19, 2016/10

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:10.21(Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)



Medical application of radiohalogenated peptides; Synthesis and ${it in vitro}$ evaluation of F(${it p}$-$$^{131}$$I)KCCYSL for targeting HER2

佐々木 一郎; 渡辺 茂樹; 大島 康宏; 須郷 由美; 山田 圭一*; 花岡 宏史*; 石岡 典子

Peptide Science 2015, p.243 - 246, 2016/03

Radioisotope labeled peptides with high affinity to receptors overexpressing on the surface of tumor cells are promising for applications in nuclear medicine such as diagnostic radiography and radiotherapy. Radiohalogens such as $$^{131}$$I and $$^{211}$$At are useful for clinical imaging and therapeutic applications, and it can be introduced at the ${it para}$ position of phenylalanine residue via electrophilic destannylation. KCCYSL (Lys$$^{1}$$-Cys$$^{2}$$-Cys$$^{3}$$-Tyr$$^{4}$$-Ser$$^{5}$$-Leu$$^{6}$$) is a hexapeptide containing disulfide bond. Previous study revealed that KCCYSL has potential as tumor imaging and therapeutic agent targeting tumor cells overexpressing the human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2). In this study, we report synthesis and ${it in vitro}$ evaluation of radiohalogenated KCCYSL derivatives. Precursor peptides, Boc-F(${it p}$-SnBu$$_{3}$$)K(Boc)C(Trt)C(Trt)Y($$^{t}$$Bu)S($$^{t}$$Bu)L-OH and Boc-F(${it p}$-SnBu$$_{3}$$)GS($$^{t}$$Bu)GK(Boc)C(Trt)C(Trt)Y($$^{t}$$Bu)S($$^{t}$$Bu)L-OH, were synthesized by the Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis. Then, precursor peptides were radioiodinated via electrophilic destannylation, and they were deprotected to obtain F(${it p}$-$$^{131}$$I)KCCYSL and F(${it p}$-$$^{131}$$I)GSGKCCYSL in radiochemical yield 15% and 17%, respectively. ${it In vitro}$ assays of the radioiodinated peptides for HER2 and stability in serum are being undertaken.


Geological investigations using cosmic ray muons; A Trial to detect fault at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

笹尾 英嗣; 鈴木 敬一*; 山田 信人*; 窪島 光志*

Proceedings of 12th SEGJ International Symposium (USB Flash Drive), 4 Pages, 2015/11

筆者らは瑞浪超深地層研究所において、宇宙線ミューオンを用いた断層の検出を試みた。同研究所の地質は上位の堆積岩と下位の花崗岩からなり、両者の境界は深度170mに位置する。幅の広い粘土変質帯を伴う断層が花崗岩中に垂直に分布する。本研究では測定装置を深度200mと300mの水平坑道に設置してミューオンを測定した。その結果から、花崗岩、断層、堆積岩の密度は、各々3.38, 2.88, 1.99g/cm$$^{3}$$と求められた。この値はこれまでに測定された密度よりも明らかに大きい。その相違の理由は不明であるが、花崗岩の密度を2.6g/cm$$^{3}$$として再計算すると、断層及び堆積岩の密度は2.2g/cm$$^{3}$$, 1.5g/cm$$^{3}$$と求められ、これまでに計測された値に一致した。このことから、宇宙線ミューオンを用いた探査は地質構造の検出に有効であると考えられる。


Insights into the proton transfer mechanism of a bilin reductase PcyA following neutron crystallography

海野 昌喜*; 石川 久美子*; 日下 勝弘*; 玉田 太郎; 萩原 義徳*; 杉島 正一*; 和田 啓*; 山田 太郎*; 友寄 克亮; 細谷 孝明*; et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(16), p.5452 - 5460, 2015/04

 被引用回数:29 パーセンタイル:62.58(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

シアノバクテリアや高等植物等の光合成生物は細胞内にビリン色素と呼ばれる集光色素を有している。ビリン還元酵素PcyAはビリベルジン(BV)を2段階で還元する反応を触媒することによりビリン色素の1つであるフィコシアノビリンを合成する。今回、我々はシアノバクテリア由来PcyAの立体構造をBVとの複合体状態で中性子結晶解析により決定した。BVは2つの状態(通常の状態と1つ水素が付いたBVH$$^{+}$$の状態)で存在していたが、近接したPcyA中のAsp105もBVの状態に対応して2つの状態(プロトン化および解離状態)で存在していた。また、X線構造解析では照射還元により確認できなかったBV中のA環近くの「アキシアル」水分子の存在を確認することができた。さらに、BV近傍に位置するHis88がプロトン化状態で存在しBV中のA環のラクタム酸素と水素結合を形成していることも確認したが、このHis88と隣接したHis74の間の水分子がH$$_{3}$$O$$^{+}$$の状態で存在することも明らかにした。これらの知見はAsp105, His88および「アキシアル」水分子がPcyAによる触媒反応におけるプロトン移動に関与していることを示唆しており、フィコシアノビリン合成(初期段階)の新たな反応機構の提唱を可能とした。


Exploring of peptides with affinity to HER2 from random peptide libraries using radioisotope; Random hexapeptide libraries with fixed amino acid sequence at 1 and 2 positions

佐々木 一郎; 花岡 宏史*; 山田 圭一*; 渡辺 茂樹; 須郷 由美; 大島 康宏; 鈴木 博元; 石岡 典子

Peptide Science 2014, p.257 - 260, 2015/03

We have sought to establish drug discovery system using radioisotope (RI) labeled peptides which have high affinity to target proteins overexpressed in cancers. Of the target proteins, we chose the human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2), a membrane protein overexpressed in various cancers to evaluate the drug discovery system. Three series of random hexapeptide libraries introduced a radioiodinated D-tyrosine (y(3-$$^{131}$$I)) to $$N$$-terminal were designed and binding assay with HER2-expressed cell lines were conducted in this study. First, we synthesized a series of random hexapeptide libraries with fixed amino acid sequence at 1 and 2 positions, y(3-$$^{131}$$I)X$$^{1}$$X$$^{2}$$X$$^{3}$$X$$^{4}$$X$$^{5}$$X$$^{6}$$. Non-radioactive random peptide libraries, yXXXXXX, were prepared by Fmoc-SPPS with an automatic peptide synthesizer. Radioiodinated y(3-$$^{131}$$I)XXXXXX were subsequently synthesized in 30-50% radiochemical yield. Binding assay using HER2-overexpressed cell line showed that high affinity (38-50% dose, n=6) was obtained with yIIXXXX, while other random peptide libraries were yielded low affinity (approximately 1% dose), which indicated that the system using RI labeled random peptide libraries have potential to discover peptide drug for cancer therapy. Preparation of other random hexapeptide libraries are being undertaken.


Synthesis of radiohalogen-labeled peptide with high affinity to HER2/neu receptor

佐々木 一郎; 山田 圭一*; 渡辺 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; 須郷 由美; 奥 浩之*; 石岡 典子

JAEA-Review 2013-059, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012, P. 96, 2014/03

Radioisotope (RI)-labeled peptide with high affinity to receptors overexpressing on the surface of tumor cells are promising for applications in nuclear medicine such as diagnostic radiography and radiotherapy. MARSGL (H-Met$$^{1}$$-Ala$$^{2}$$-Arg$$^{3}$$-Ser$$^{4}$$-Gly$$^{5}$$-Leu$$^{6}$$-OH), a linear peptide consisting of six amino acids, has high affinity to HER2/neu receptor overexpressing in various cancer cells. Radiohalogens (radionuclides) such as radioiodine and radiobromine are versatile for clinical imaging and therapeutic applications. Thus, radiohalogenated MARSGL may have potential for clinical applications to HER2 overexpressing tumors. In this study, in order to achieve the labeling of radiohalogen for MARSGL, we design a radioiodinated peptide, F(${it p}$-$$^{131}$$I)MARSGL, in which phenylalanine labeled with $$^{131}$$I (t$$_{1/2}$$ = 8.0 d) at the ${it para}$ position of the aromatic ring is introduced into the N-terminal of MARSGL and report a new technique to prepare radiohalogen of peptide via electrophilic destanylation.


Synthesis of radiohalogen-labeled peptides with high affinity to HER2/neu receptor

佐々木 一郎; 山田 圭一*; 渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; 須郷 由美; 奥 浩之*; 石岡 典子

Peptide Science 2013, p.157 - 160, 2013/03

Radioisotope (RI)-labeled peptides which have the high affinity to receptors on surface of the tumor cell are promising for diagnostic radiography (PET and SPECT) and radiotherapy. MARSGL (H-Met$$^{1}$$-Ala$$^{2}$$-Arg$$^{3}$$-Ser$$^{4}$$-Gly$$^{5}$$-Leu$$^{6}$$-OH), a linear hexapeptide consisting of six amino acids, has the high affinity to HER2/neu receptor overexpressing in various cancer cells. Thus, radiolabeled MARSGL has potential for the above mentioned purposes. Radiohalogens have various useful radionuclides, which could be introduced to aromatic compounds via tin-halogen exchange reaction. In this study, stannylated peptide Boc-F(${it p}$-SnBu$$_{3}$$)MAR(Pbf)S($$^{t}$$Bu)GL-OH was synthesized to prepare radiohalogen ($$^{76}$$Br or $$^{131}$$I)-labeled FMARSGL derivatives. First, Boc-Phe(${it p}$-SnBu$$_{3}$$)-OH was prepared from Boc-Phe(${it p}$-I)-OMe via Pd(0)-catalyzed coupling reaction with (Bu$$_{3}$$Sn)$$_{2}$$ and was successfully introduced into ${it N}$-terminal of H-MARSGL-Trt(2-Cl) resin synthesized from H-Leu-Trt(2-Cl) resin by Fmoc-SPPS. After cleavage reaction of Boc-F(${it p}$-SnBu$$_{3}$$)MAR(Pbf)S($$^{t}$$Bu)GL-Trt(2-Cl) resin with 25% 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol in CH$$_{2}$$Cl$$_{2}$$, Boc-F(${it p}$-SnBu$$_{3}$$)MAR(Pbf)S($$^{t}$$Bu)GL-OH was obtained and identified by using ESI-MS and NMR. Synthesis of $$^{131}$$I-labeled FMARSGL is due to report in this presentation.


Development of a $$^{76}$$Br-labeled amino acid derivative for PET imaging of tumor

花岡 宏史*; 渡邉 茂樹; 富永 英之*; 大島 康宏; 渡辺 智; 山田 圭一*; 飯田 靖彦*; 石岡 典子; 遠藤 啓吾*

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 89, 2013/01



Synthesis of radioiodinated antitumor cyclic peptide, [$$^{125}$$I]-sansalvamide A derivative

渡邉 茂樹; 山田 圭一*; 津久井 匠隆*; 花岡 宏史*; 大島 康宏; 山口 藍子*; 奥 浩之*; 石岡 典子

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 88, 2013/01

Sansalvamide A (SA), a penta cyclic peptide isolated marine fungus, is a lead compound of anti-cancer reagent because the peptide has cytotoxicity against various cancer cell lines. Halogenated SA derivatives (SA-X, X = Cl, Br, I) was prepared and remarkable cytotocity against malignant human breast cancer. In this study, a radiohalogenated SA derivative [$$^{125}$$I]SA-I was prepared to conduct in vivo evaluation of SA derivatives. Synthetic scheme of [$$^{125}$$I]SA-I are as follows: an iodinated linear peptide, Boc-F(p-I)LLVL-OMe, was prepared by the conventional solid phase peptide synthesis. After preparation of stannylated peptide, Boc-F(p-SnBu$$_{3}$$)LLVL-OMe, $$^{125}$$I was labeled with electrophilic destannylation in the presence of oxidizing reagent. After deprotection of N- and C-termius, [$$^{125}$$I]SA-I was obtained successfully by macrocyclization in liquid phase. Overall labeled yield was 7%. To our best knowledge, this report is the first on the synthesis of radiolabeled SA derivative. In vivo evaluation of the SA derivative using [$$^{125}$$I]SA-I is being undertaken.


Evaluation of $$^{64}$$Cu-labeled DOTA-$$_{rm D}$$-Phe$$^{1}$$-Tyr$$^{3}$$-octreotide ($$^{64}$$Cu-DOTA-TOC) for imaging somatostatin receptor-expressing tumors

花岡 宏史*; 富永 英之*; 山田 圭一*; Paudyal, P.*; 飯田 靖彦*; 渡邉 茂樹; Paudyal, B.*; 樋口 徹也*; 織内 昇*; 遠藤 啓吾*

Annals of Nuclear Medicine, 23(6), p.559 - 567, 2009/08

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:49.50(Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging)

In-111 ($$^{111}$$In)-labeled octreotide has been clinically used for imaging somatostatin receptor-positive tumors, and radiolabeled octreotide analogs for positron emission tomography (PET) have been developed. The aim of this study is to produce and fundamentally examine a $$^{64}$$Cu-labeled octreotide analog, $$^{64}$$Cu-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid-$$_{rm D}$$-Phe$$^{1}$$-Tyr$$^{3}$$-octreotide ($$^{64}$$Cu-DOTA-TOC). $$^{64}$$Cu-DOTA-TOC can be produced in amounts efficient for clinical study with high radiochemical yield. $$^{64}$$Cu-DOTA-TOC was stable in vitro, but time-dependent transchelation to protein was observed after injection into mice. In biodistribution studies, the radioactivity of $$^{64}$$Cu was higher than that of $$^{111}$$In in all organs except kidney. In tumor-bearing mice, $$^{64}$$Cu-DOTA-TOC showed a high accumulation in the tumors, and the tumor-to-blood ratio reached as high as 8.81 $$pm$$ 1.17 at 6 h after administration. $$^{64}$$Cu-DOTA-TOC showed significantly higher accumulation in the tumor than $$^{64}$$Cu-TETA-OC and $$^{64}$$Cu-DOTA-OC. PET showed a very clear image of the tumor, which was comparable to that of $$^{18}$$F-FDG PET and very similar to that of $$^{64}$$Cu-TETA-OC. $$^{64}$$Cu-DOTA-TOC clearly imaged a somatostatin receptor-positive tumor and seemed to be a potential PET tracer in the clinical phase.


Nano-particle materials prepared from a synthetic antigenic sequence of ${it plasmodium falciparum}$ enolase

奥 浩之*; 山田 圭一*; 小林 京子*; 片貝 良一*; Ashfaq, M.*; 花岡 宏史*; 飯田 靖彦*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 長谷川 伸; 前川 康成; et al.

Peptide Science 2008, p.439 - 442, 2009/03



Generation of broadband mid-infrared pulses by noncollinear difference frequency mixing

杉田 明宏; 横山 啓一; 山田 秀尚; 井上 典洋*; 青山 誠; 山川 考一

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1, 46(1), p.226 - 228, 2007/01

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:29.67(Physics, Applied)



Selective transition to the closely-lying states Cs(7$$D$$$$_{3/2}$$) and Cs(7$$D$$$$_{5/2}$$) by femtosecond laser pulses

山田 秀尚; 横山 啓一; 寺西 慶哲*; 杉田 明宏; 白井 稔三*; 青山 誠; 赤羽 温; 井上 典洋*; 上田 英樹*; 山川 考一; et al.

Physical Review A, 72(6), p.063404_1 - 063404_5, 2005/12

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:31.01(Optics)



Optimal control of ultrafast selection

横山 啓一; 寺西 慶哲; 戸谷 由起雄; 白井 稔三; 福田 祐仁; 青山 誠; 赤羽 温; 井上 典洋*; 上田 英樹; 山川 考一; et al.

Journal of Chemical Physics, 120(20), p.9446 - 9449, 2004/05

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:18.46(Chemistry, Physical)




藤原 治; 大井 圭一*; 山田 和芳*; 加藤 めぐみ*; 小野 有五*; 伊勢 明広*

月刊地球, p.463 - 468, 1997/00

気候・海水準は、地層処分で対象とする長期的将来には現在と大きく変わると考えられる。この為気候・海水順の変化幅や周期性を明らかにし、地下水の涵養量や水質の変化と地質環境の長期安定性に影響を与える情報を整理しておくことが重要である。本研究では、湖沼や内湾等の堆積物を利用して、日本列島周辺の降水量変動などを支配するアジアモンスーンの変動を、過去3.5万年間について調べた。この結果は、国際的にも注目されているアジア地域の気候変動研究に寄与するとともに、過去の気候変動を検出する為の手法の確立にも寄与する。 なお本稿は、月刊地球からの要請で投稿・講演するものである。



渡邉 茂樹; 西中 一朗; 山田 圭一*; 橋本 和幸; 牧井 宏之; 花岡 宏史*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 



$$^{125}$$I標識環状ペプチドSansalvamide A誘導体の合成と評価

渡邉 茂樹; 山田 圭一*; 花岡 宏史*; 大島 康宏; 津久井 匠隆*; 高野 智香子*; 山口 藍子*; 奥 浩之*; 飯田 靖彦*; 遠藤 啓吾*; et al.

no journal, , 

Sansalvamide A(SA)は、抗腫瘍活性を持つ海洋真菌類由来の天然環状ペプチドである。われわれはSAのPhe側鎖芳香環にハロゲンを導入した誘導体SA-X(cyclo(Phe(p-X)-Leu-MeLeu-Val-Leu), X=Cl, Br, I)を合成し、これらが乳がん細胞MDA-MB-231に対してin vitroで細胞毒性を持つことを見いだした。本研究ではin vivo評価を目的として$$^{125}$$I標識Sansalvamide A誘導体[$$^{125}$$I]SA-Iの合成について検討した。その結果、Boc固相合成法により直鎖ペプチドBoc-Phe(p-SnBu$$_{3}$$)-Leu-MeLeu-Val-Leu-OMeを得た後、スズ-ヨウ素交換反応による$$^{125}$$I標識,脱保護、及び、液相での環化を行うことで[$$^{125}$$I]SA-Iを合成できることを見いだした。


Synthesis and in vivo evaluation of radiohalogen-labeled antitumor cyclic peptides

山田 圭一*; 渡邉 茂樹; 大島 康宏; 花岡 宏史*; 津久井 匠隆*; 高野 智香子*; 山口 藍子*; 奥 浩之*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 

Sansalvamide A (SA) is a marin-derived cyclic depsipeptide that exhibits cytotoxicity against colon cancer cell line. Recently, a series of cyclic pentapeptide analogs of SA in which Hmp ((2S)-2-hydroxy-4-methylpentanoic acid) residue was replaced by amino acids or N-methyl-amino acids were synthesized. We previously reported that the haogenated analog of [MeLeu$$^{3}$$]SA, namely SA-Br, SA-I, SA-Cl, exhibited potent cytotoxicity against MDA-MB-231. In the present study, we considered to evaluate in vivo biodistribution, stability and antitumor activity of these halogenated SA peptides in tumor-bearing mice. For this purpose, radiohalogen atoms are most suitable for labeling without changing their primary structure and biological activity. Here, we report the synthesis and in vivo biodistribution of $$^{125}$$I-labeled SA analog (SA-[$$^{125}$$I]).


放射性ハロゲン標識環状ペプチド$$^{125}$$I-Sansalvamide Aの合成と評価

渡邉 茂樹; 津久井 匠隆; 花岡 宏史*; 山田 圭一*; 大島 康宏; 飯田 靖彦*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 

抗がん作用や抗菌作用を示す生理活性物質は、創薬におけるリード化合物となる。Sansalvamide A(SA)は、構造中にエステル結合を有する海洋真菌類由来の環状デプシペプチドで、大腸がん細胞に対して高い細胞毒性を示すことから、抗がん剤開発のリード化合物として注目されている。これまでわれわれは、フェニルアラニン側鎖にヨウ素を導入したSA誘導体を開発し、この化合物が悪性度の高い乳がん細胞MD-MBA-231に対して高い細胞障害活性を示すことを明らかにしてきた。そこで、本研究ではI-SAの生体内における動態を解明するために、$$^{125}$$Iを導入した$$^{125}$$I-SAを合成し、ノーマルマウスにおける体内分布を明らかにすることとした。


Solid-phase synthesis of cyclic peptides containing p-(tri-n-butyl-stannyl)-phenylalanine residue

津久井 匠隆; 山田 圭一*; 渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; 奥 浩之*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子; 松尾 一郎*

no journal, , 

p-(tri-n-butyl-stannyl)-phenylalanine (Phe(p-Bu$$_{3}$$Sn)) is an useful building blocks for synthesizing radiolabeled pharmaceutics. To best of our knowledge, there are few studies of the synthesis of Phe(p-Bu$$_{3}$$Sn)-containing peptides. In this study, we report solid-phase synthesis of cyclic peptides containing Phe(p-Bu$$_{3}$$Sn) residue, cyclo(Phe(p-Bu$$_{3}$$Sn)-Leu-MeLeu-Val-Leu) (I). Boc-Phe(p-Bu$$_{3}$$Sn)-OH was synthesized from Boc-Phe(p-I)-OMe by treatment with bis(tri-n-butyl)tin and Pd(0) catalyst followed by saponification. The linear peptide containing Phe(p-Bu$$_{3}$$Sn) residue was assembled on Kaiser-oxime resin. On-resin macrocyclization of the linear peptide, however, did not afford the cyclic peptide I. Cross coupling of cyclic peptide containing Phe(p-I) residue, cyclo(Phe(p-I)-Leu-MeLeu-Val-Leu) with bis(tri-n-butyl)tin and Pd(0) catalyst gave the desired peptide, which was confirmed by ESI-MS. In this presentation, we will report the Fmoc-SPPS of the peptide I.

43 件中 1件目~20件目を表示